
Members are encouraged to review the following considerations before reducing 明尼苏达城市联盟 保险信托 (LMCIT) premium costs.



LMCIT责任保险B项, 或者“医疗支付”保险, 提供有限的金额($2),每人500美元,外加10美元,000 per occurrence) of no-fault coverage for medical treatment for those injured on city property because of a condition in the property.

The medical payments coverage only comes into play in situations where the city is not legally liable for the injury (if the city is legally liable for the injury, 它将被作为责任索赔。). 在很多情况下, the medical payments coverage pays costs that would otherwise be covered by the individual’s own health insurance. 取消医疗支付保险可以减少大约一个百分点的责任保险费.


LMCIT给予该市放弃法定责任限制的选择权. 责任保险 is more expensive if the city waives the limits; the cost difference is 3.选择豁免的会员须支付5%的责任保费. Waiving the limits does not give the city better protection; the benefit is only to the party who is making a liability claim against the city.


Cities sometimes purchase specialty policies from private insurance companies for risks already covered by the city’s LMCIT liability coverage. 如果你所在的城市购买了以下任何一项单独的保单, 你应该仔细考虑是否还有必要这样做:

  • 警察的责任
  • 消防员职业责任
  • 救护车专业责任
  • 公职人员责任
  • 雇佣惯例责任
  • 雇员福利责任
  • 救济协会的信托责任
  • 消防协会债券
  • 网络或数据安全漏洞责任


LMCIT的可选无故障下水道备份保险赔偿房主因下水道备份造成的损害, 不管市稳定的十大彩票网站是否有过失,是否负有法律责任. 虽然许多城市认为这对市民有利, 在预算紧张的时候,可以考虑取消它. The cost of this coverage varies greatly by member because it is based on the number of sewer connections and the limit selected, 除此之外, 但保费从低至100美元到高至20美元不等,000或更多.


根据LMCIT的负债评级制度, there are two areas where cities can potentially reduce their liability premium if service contracts are arranged in a manner that adequately reduces the city’s liability exposure. 服务合同可发送给LMCIT风险管理律师Chris Smith,地址为 csmith@234873.com 审查.



如果一个城市与一个县或其他实体签订了执法服务合同, LMCIT会对警察的责任承担进行收费(根据警员人数), 除非执法合同充分地将风险从接受服务的城市转移. If the entity that is providing the service agrees to defend and indemnify the city receiving the service for claims arising out of the services performed under the law enforcement agreement, LMCIT将放弃接受该服务的城市的警察责任保险费.


负债评级系统的另一个组成部分是基于一个城市的年度支出. For certain types of service contracts that adequately transfer the risk away from the city receiving the service, LMCIT可以放弃在评级基础上包括与该合同相关的支出. 与年度支出有关的责任保险费的基本费率约为每1美元对应1美元,每年的开支为1万英镑. 一份200万美元左右的大合同, 例如, could potentially save the city a couple thousand dollars in liability premium if it is submitted to LMCIT and structured in a manner that adequately reduces the city’s liability exposure. 财产保险


当一个城市把一个城市拥有的建筑租给一个私人派对, 租赁协议可能要求承租人为建筑物投保. There are occasionally situations where the city also schedules the building under the city’s property coverage to protect the city in case of any problem with the tenant’s insurance. 如果你租了一栋楼,租客给它投保, 如果你有保证承租人有必要的保险,这就保护了城市的利益, 你可以把那栋楼从城市的覆盖范围里去掉. 当然, 你必须确保如果租约终止或租户失去保险,它会被加回去.


如果一栋建筑是空置的,它只按实际市场价值投保,而不是重置成本. 空置建筑的溢价也是基于市场价值而不是重置成本, 但较高的利率反映了较高的风险. 视情况而定, 当建筑物空置时,建筑物的实际溢价可能会增加或减少. 当一栋有盖的建筑在中期空置时, 如果保费减少,LMCIT会马上给这个城市保费抵免. 如果有增加,LMCIT将放弃增加,直到城市的下一次更新. 还记得, 当建筑物空置时, the coverage automatically switches from replacement cost to market value even if the city hasn’t reported to LMCIT that the building has become vacant.


与其他类型的财产保险相比, 国家洪水保险计划(NFIP)的洪水保险是昂贵的. 在某些情况下, cities are required to carry NFIP insurance on certain buildings as a condition of disaster assistance that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provided in the past. NFIP提供可选择的免赔额,这可以显著降低保费. 如果发生水灾, 该市可以利用LMCIT的特殊费用保险来支付免赔额下的费用.


LMCIT为发电设施提供商定金额的重置成本保险. 短暂的, 保险限额和保费是根据提供电力公司所需的发电能力的成本来确定的, 而不是依靠复制公用事业公司目前拥有的实际设施的成本. This might make sense in a situation where the utility’s existing facility has significantly more capacity than what the utility needs, or in a situation where a different and newer technology can provide the same generating capacity for less than the cost of replicating the existing facility’s older technology.



LMCIT automatically provides auto physical damage coverage on all city vehicles unless the city specifically opts not to cover specific vehicles. 如果你有一些老的, 价值相对较低的车辆,对城市的运营并不重要, 考虑移除汽车物理伤害覆盖或移除汽车物理伤害增强覆盖.

Another way to reduce your premium is to ensure the values are actual cash value for those autos without auto physical damage enhancement coverage.


The city has the option to make the LMCIT auto liability coverage primary when a city employee uses their vehicle on city business, 每人10美元. 如果市稳定的十大彩票网站放弃这个可选的保险, the employee still has the same total auto liability coverage limit available when using their vehicle on city business. 不同之处在于,雇员的个人汽车责任将首先作出反应, LMCIT汽车责任保险将作为超额适用.


LMCIT的债券覆盖率, 哪一个是额外的费用保险选项, 是为了满足该市对公职人员债券覆盖的需求. 如果你所在的城市有LMCIT的债券担保, it doesn’t need to also purchase separate bonds to meet the statutory requirements for the city clerk and treasurer, 救济协会司库, 等等......。.

LMCIT的债券覆盖率 can also be used to meet the requirements for an economic development authority or port authority treasurer’s bond. 它也包括经营慈善赌博的救济协会的赌博经理.



一些城市的财产/意外事故免赔额低至250美元或500美元. 对大多数城市来说,1000美元、2500美元、5000美元或更高的免赔额在经济上更有意义.

城市也应该考虑工人赔偿的医疗抵扣选项. 虽然显然没有保证, the premium savings over time should normally be more than enough to cover the additional risk the city is retaining. 当然, the city needs to make sure that reserve funds are available to cover a reasonable number of deductibles during the year.

适合大中型城市, 总的免赔额方法通常对财产/意外伤害保险很有意义. 在这种方法下, 该市保留了大量的免赔额, 但该市每年的最高成本被限制在一个特定的金额上.

例如, 这个城市负责第一个10美元,每损失000英镑, 但最多不超过20美元,000美元. 一个小得多的“维护”免赔额适用于随后的索赔. 这为市稳定的十大彩票网站提供了一种通过保留大量风险来显著降低保费的方法, 但是,城市保留的最大风险是一个已知的数额,可以进行计划和预算.

“回溯评级”选项在工人补偿方面提供了类似的选择, 标准保费为25美元的城市,000或更多.


降低保费的一个显而易见的想法是降低保险限额, which means the city is retaining the risk of a large loss that would have otherwise been covered by higher coverage limits. 然而, 巨额损失可能而且确实会发生, and LMCIT urges cities to think carefully before taking this step and to look first at some of the other suggestions outlined in this discussion.


LMCIT makes available the option of carrying higher liability coverage limits than the basic limit of $2 million per occurrence. 超额责任保险以100万美元递增,最高可达500万美元. 在降低覆盖率之前, 城市应该考虑这样一个事实,即法定侵权行为上限为500美元,每名索赔人000美元和1美元.(每次500万美元)不适用于几种类型的索赔. 这些包括:

  • 根据联邦民权法提出的索赔.
  • 市稳定的十大彩票网站根据合同承担的侵权责任的索赔.
  • 在另一个州的诉讼请求.
  • 以酒类销售为基础的索赔.
  • 基于“索取”理论的索赔.


LMCIT为城市提供债券保险,作为额外的成本保险选择. 它的目的是提供所有的债券覆盖和限制,城市和城市官员需要. 最低保释金限额为5万美元,最高可达300万美元.

大多数城市通过LMCIT获得债券担保,但也有一些城市从其他地方购买. 在考虑降低溢价成本时,可以考虑降低债券限额, but there have been instances of cities carrying very low bond limits that essentially do not provide any financial protection. 当员工的不诚实行为造成损失时,成本可能是非常可观的.


LMCIT责任保险包含了酒类责任的排除, 但可选择的保险范围可以在单独的, 独立的契约. 该保险适用于市政酒类商店的折扣, 市售酒商店, 以及由会员城市的机构销售的特殊活动酒类或啤酒, 包括那些不经营酒类商店的城市.

没有简单的规则来决定多少保险是足够的市政酒类商店. 不管覆盖范围有多大,市稳定的十大彩票网站都会购买, 我们可以想象一种情况,在这种情况下,这是不够的. 最终,市议会需要运用自己的判断来决定覆盖多少范围并为之付费. LMCIT建议,任何有市政酒类商店的城市都应将酒精消费限制在500美元以上,000, 但城市应该强烈考虑提高100万美元或更多的限额.


在节省保费方面,避免损失是最重要的领域之一, 原因如下:

  • 市政责任、汽车和工人赔偿的保费都是按经验评定的.
  • 为了避免损失,可以避免免赔的账单.
  • 股息公式对亏损敏感, 因此,在分配股息时,避免各种损失对明尼苏达州所有城市都有利.



Members of the LMCIT property/casualty program are required to designate an agent to provide various insurance and/or advisement services to the city. 参加工人补偿计划的城市可以选择不使用代理机构的服务, 尽管大多数都是这样.

在决定支付给代理多少钱时, the city should remember that agent fees are negotiable and both parties are free to agree on a higher or lower percentage fee, 或者在不同的基础上补偿代理人. Any increase or decrease in the agent’s compensation will flow through directly as a dollar-for-dollar increase or decrease in the city’s premium.

